* In January, 1962, Flip travel by train from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik. However, the train had suddenly derailed and plunged into the icy river, killing 17 passengers. Flip managed to escape, and only suffered a broken arm and minor scrapes and bruises.
* The next year, while traveling from Zagreb to Rijeka when the door blew from the cockpit, forcing him out of the plane. Although 19 others were killed, he suffered only minor injuries and had miraculously landed in the haystack.
* In 1966, he rode the bus that crashed and plunged into a river. Four others were killed, but the latches escaped unharmed.
* In 1970, he managed to escape before the fuel pump is damaged in a fire hit the car.
* In 1973, another Flip car caught fire, forcing fire through the air vents. He suffered no injuries save the loss of most of his hair.
* In 1995, he was hit by city bus, but again suffered a minor injury.
* In 1996, he fled when he was driving from the cliff to escape the truck from the front. He successfully landed in the trees, and saw a car explode 300 feet below him.
But then, in 2003, the heavens seemed to review the case: he won $ 1,000,000 dollars in the Croatian lottery!
"I know God was watching me over all these years." he said, and was said to be reluctant to fly to Australia to air on a Doritos ad, saying he "did not want to test his luck." Frane said that he could either be seen as "the unluckiest man in the world, or the most fortunate people in the world," and prefers the latter.