Lottery wheels participant in the Wheel of Fortune, Richard Twohy admits that he has the addictive personality. He used to be a hardcore drug users and addicted to cocaine. He knew that bad and moved to Iowa City escape from it all. That's where he had lived for eighteen years, living in a check with disabilities.
But the addictive personality continued. However, not drug use, Richard Twohy focus on gambling addiction personality. He bought a lottery ticket. She also appeared on TV game show Wheel Fortune. On August 3, 2009, Richard has been able to addictive personality. That was the day that he won the big prize on Bingo Times 10 Iowa Lottery instant scratch lotto games.
Richard Twohy scratched Bingo Times 10 instant ticket and saw that it was the winner of $ 25,000. That's what he thought he won. However, he did not see the symbol of 10x, which means that he won ten times the prize - $ 250,000! Richard actually leave the ticket and did not claim until almost three months later, in October 2009. He said he has held the winning ticket for all the time because he wanted to get financial affairs in order.
Speaking to win the lottery, Richard said, "Life is a gift, as this lottery ticket. I will spread the money around my family as my family has done for me many times when I need to. My chance, I never expected to be able to to play my role for them, too. "Apart from helping his family, former players Wheel Fortune said that he would also planned to pay some bills and take a vacation one day south during the winter to come.