Todays lottery worth 1 million won by Timothy Ruch. Golden life for Timothy Ruch, a typical All-American man to win the grand prize of $ 20 DC District of Columbia Lottery scratcher Gold - $ 1 million! On July 5, 2011, Ruch attended the Cubs vs. Nationals game, and buy a ticket because he left the Garden. He put the ticket in his pocket, before making a decision quickly scratching. "I see a gold bar, then see where it said, 'reveal the symbol" Gold ", won the prize shown automatically." The prize is one million dollars. "Ruch immediately called his wife Emily, who said, "No." He responded by sending a picture of the ticket and send the message, "Way! is. Ruch is in the process of buying a house in Prince George County, and said they would use the money for a down payment. Ruch served in the United States Air Force for almost nine years, and recently returned from a six-month tour in Iraq. called the DC Lottery, "Golden Boy, the agency will present a ceremonial check Ruch with a respect for his victory at Nationals Park on July 29, 2011.